Monday, February 8, 2010

Apple, iPhone, iPad; Google, Android/Nexus ... tablet?

Another article on Google looking to put the Chrome OS on a tablet.

All I can say is that Google has a tremendous appetite, and their relationship with Apple these days must be horrible. The go from having two people sitting on Apple's board to competing with Apple in the mobile phone and tablet market in less than a year.

Does Apple respond by realizing they have to get into the search market to grow their revenue?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Is Tony Dungy trying to sabotage the Colts?

I was shocked and appalled to read Tony Dungy say that the Colts will win the Super Bowl against the Saints easily. This is the same Tony Dungy who wold never say anything like that when he was the coach, and would never allow his players to say that.

He could have just said, "I think the Colts will win", and everyone would have thought, "That's the understated Tony Dungy we've always known", but instead he's given the Saints some locker-room reading material and extra motivation.

I have to think there's just a twinge of jealousy in Mr. Dungy about the Colts success this year, whether he'll admit that to himself or not. I can't think of any other reason a "friend" would give motivational material to the Colts coming opponent.

Links related to the NoSQL movement

A quick note here to follow up my previous NoSQL blog post with several great links I've found
As Mr. Stonebreaker states, "There are two possible reasons to move to either of these alternate DBMS technologies: performance and flexibility." (If you don't know who he is, here's a link to Mr. Stonebreaker's wikipedia page.)

David I and the NoSQL movement

I also want to take a moment to acknowledge the NoSQL movement. I just ran across this SQL and NoSQL article by David Intersimone (who I met at Borland many years ago), where he gives a nice history of traditional SQL products and tools, and also talks about the NoSQL movement, and the factors spurring on the need for non-SQL databases (data stores).

For the record, David I is now an evangelist for Embarcadero. He's a very interesting person, and I really like his "Programming is Life" mantra, which he shares at the end of that article.

Latest Java tutorials

I've been a little busy working on several different Java projects lately, so I haven't taken the time to add any posts here. But I do want to highlight five Java tutorials I've helped work on lately over on the website:

Personally I'm very happy with the work we've been producing lately, and I'm also glad we've gotten rid of the popup (popunder) ads on the website.

I think we all hope that in the next year or two we will have a really great website going there. This is at least partially reflected on, where the traffic rank has moved from 90,000 a year ago, to under 30,000 today. (That's an increase in ranking of over 60,000 websites in less than a year.)