Sunday, May 16, 2010

How many will die because of oil spill?

Okay, I hate to ask, but how many millions and millions of animals will die in our oceans because of this massive BP oil spill, and how long will our food supply be contaminated?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Massive floods in Wasilla, Alaska (many years ago)

Here's a great article about a part of Alaska that was inundated by huge floods ways back in the day.

Here's a brief excerpt from the article:
The event was one of at least four "megafloods" as Glacial Lake Atna breached ice dams and discharged water. The lake covered more than 3,500 square miles in the Copper River Basin northeast of Anchorage and Wasilla.
You can see this on Google Maps by searching for Wasilla, Alaska, and then switching to the "terrain" view.

Chasin Cars (Sarah Bettens, acoustic)

Geez, this acoustic performance of Chasin Cars, by Sarah Bettens just blows me away. I just wish it didn't make me so sad. Just an amazing performance though.

How to delete multiple iPhone photos

Here's a simple little post that shows why I love the internet 98% of the time: How to delete multiple iPhone photos at one time. Straight to the chase "Here's how you do something", in this case, deleting multiple iPhone photos at one time.

Of course it doesn't hurt that I know the guy that wrote it, but still, it's good stuff ... especially when you really do need to know how to delete multiple iPhone photos.

Can man live on PBJ sandwiches?

Question of the day: Can man live on PBJ (peanut butter and jelly) sandwiches?

For weeks I've had no desire to eat anything else for lunch, and after making another one just now, I have to wonder if this is good for me?

Well, time will tell.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

How to permanently delete a Facebook account

Here's a story about how a website's traffic spiked when they release an article on how to permanently delete a Facebook account. Facebook is facing a big backlash from the community over how they routinely trample on your privacy, and I think this backlash is good, and certainly well-deserved.

Jobs on why Mac Design Awards are dropped

I'm not sure where the actual story is, but I just read that Steve Jobs explained in an email why the Apple/Mac Design Awards were dropped from the WWDC. He says this is "just the normal cycle of things".

Uh, that's great Steve (actually, no, that's not great), but why didn't you tell all the developers this a long, long time ago?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Facebook versus AOL

One of the things I've been wondering about lately is how Facebook came along and created something very successful, when this should have been AOL's game to win or lose. Was the AOL brand "Your mother's website"? Did AOL just not realize or implement all the social/sharing features Facebook has?

I don't know the answer, because I never used AOL. Maybe that's part of their problem ... I perceived them as a dialup company, and I also perceived them using their own proprietary tools (their own "browser", search, etc.) instead of internet technologies, and once I saw them that way, they were never really relevant.

So I guess that's part of it then ... maybe you can't go from being irrelevant to being cool?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Facebook's Eroding Privacy Policy (EFF article)

Wow, this article by the EFF on Facebook's Eroding Privacy Policy is so good, it's brilliant ... and, it's Facebook's own words over the years.

How good is it that in 2005 they used to start "No personal information that you submit ...", and then in 2009 they start "Facebook is designed to make it easy for you to share ...", and in 2010 they have "When you connect with an application or website it will have access to General Information about you ...", and then they have to go on and start defining the term "General Information".

Wow, they now have to define the term "General Information about you"? What happened to "No personal information"???

Go get 'em, EFF!

Friday, May 7, 2010

New "Hide Your Desktop" app

A few days ago Al posted his "Hide your desktop and desktop icons" app online. I thought I'd add to it some of our discussions on this project.

This project started off as another app that Al wrote many years ago to help with his blog writing. He created what he called a "curtain" that would swoosh in behind the main window of his app. We both thought this was pretty cool, and then discussed how to make it a general-purpose "Hide your desktop" app.

Beyond that, we started talking about Guy Kawasaki's DICEE acronym, and how that applies here. Either Al or I will write more about this in the future, but I think those are the two clear points for today: 1) Where this "Hide your desktop (and desktop icons)" idea came from, and 2) the DICEE concept.

Starlin Castro heading to Cubs MLB team

Wow, the Cubs are promoting Starlin Castro to the MLB team. He was playing very well at their AA team, but this is still a pretty amazing promotion. They plan to start playing him immediately in their series against Cincinnati this weekend. Ryan Theriot (TheRiot) will be moved second base, as expected.